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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 18, Issue 5, pp. 1243-1532

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Implicit Explicit Residual Smoothing for the Multidimensional Euler and Navier--Stokes Equations

Rickard Enander

pp. 1243-1254

The Correct Formulation of Intermediate Boundary Conditions for Runge--Kutta Time Integration of Initial Boundary Value Problems

D. Pathria

pp. 1255-1266

Additive Schwarz Methods for the h-p Version of the Finite Element Method in Two Dimensions

Benqi Guo and Weiming Cao

pp. 1267-1288

A Cartesian Grid Projection Method for the Incompressible Euler Equations in Complex Geometries

Ann S. Almgren, John B. Bell, Phillip Colella, and Tyler Marthaler

pp. 1289-1309

Mass-Conserving Front Tracking for Miscible Two-Phase Flow

Kou-Kung A. Chang and W. Brent Lindquist

pp. 1310-1327

Monotonicity Considerations for Saturated--Unsaturated Subsurface Flow

P. A. Forsyth and M. C. Kropinski

pp. 1328-1354

Performance of Block-ILU Factorization Preconditioners Based on Block-Size Reduction for 2D Elasticity Systems

Tony F. Chan, Svetozar D. Margenov, and Panayot S. Vassilevski

pp. 1355-1366

Inexact Block Jacobi--Broyden Methods for Solving Nonlinear Systems of Equations

Geng Yang, Laura C. Dutto, and Michel Fortin

pp. 1367-1392

A Stabilized Matrix Sign Function Algorithm for Solving Algebraic Riccati Equations

Judith D. Gardiner

pp. 1393-1411

Fast Diagonalization of Large and Dense Complex Symmetric Matrices, with Applications to Quantum Reaction Dynamics

Ilan Bar-On and Victor Ryaboy

pp. 1412-1435

How Good is Recursive Bisection?

Horst D. Simon and Shang-Hua Teng

pp. 1436-1445

The Spectral Decomposition of Nonsymmetric Matrices on Distributed Memory Parallel Computers

Z. Bai, J. Demmel, J. Dongarra, A. Petitet, H. Robinson, and K. Stanley

pp. 1446-1461

SVD Computations on the Connection Machine CM-5/CM-5E: Implementation and Accuracy

Susanne M. Balle and Palle M. Pedersen

pp. 1462-1478

Recurrent Neural Networks for Computing Pseudoinverses of Rank-Deficient Matrices

Jun Wang

pp. 1479-1493

Domain Decomposition Methods for Large Markov Chain Control Problems and Nonlinear Elliptic-Type Equations

Harold J. Kushner

pp. 1494-1516

Timely Communicaton: An Analysis for a Nonoverlapping Domain Decomposition Iterative Procedure

Qingping Deng

pp. 1517-1525

Timely Communication:Symmetry and the Karhunen--Loève Analysis

Nejib Smaoui and Dieter Armbruster

pp. 1526-1532